Activities We offerAyudh


Whether you are looking to lose weight, reduce stress, or simply clear your head and get out into nature, hiking delivers almost immediate rewards.

Its also a sport that doesnot tolerate procrastination or excuses for very long. Assuming you havenot been leading a totally sedentary life, you can follow a few basic steps and begin hiking right away.

And if you are looking for some motivation to get off the couch and onto the trail, join Ayudh Adventures.

We are all busier than ever, tied to work by our smartphones, while being bombarded on social media with adventurers up Everest, down in Antarctica or over in Oman. It can lead to a sense of overwhelmed frustration. That is why I am advocating micro adventures, on the assumption that a tiny little adventure is still better than none at all.

For a busy city dweller, I think it is fun, rewarding, important and a great stepping stone to bigger adventures to leave the city behind for a weekend, turn off the phone, and go hiking in the wilderness. If you camp out for the night that is even better ñ the stars, the moon, the excitement of doing something new: these are all ingredients of massive adventures and it is so easy to get a little taste of it and build an appetite for more.

Hiking is an activity that is loaded with positive meaning and good everyday adventure vibes. Hikes tend to be something anyone with an average level of fitness can do with little or no preparation, where as a trek, a long arduous journey, would most likely involve training and a degree of discomfort along the way. That said people do sometimes use the words interchangeably.

we do arrange all easy, moderate, difficult levels of hikings in Sahyadri mountains and in the Himalayas. In Sahyadri mountains, rainy season is where you will see the greenish lawn all around the farms. The forests are lush green and hiking trails becomes watery all around. You get to see lots of scenic waterfalls around the mountain ranges. You can visit our gallery.

Post rains its pleasant environment all together in Sahyadri and this is the time for longest trail treks. In winter and we plan treks with some camping programs for family and for a group of friends. We also plan a customized adventure for you and your friends or family.

Rock Climbing

This demands your mental and physical stamina. Learn with us techniques to rock climb at various levels to reach the summit of everypinnacle or mountain in and around Maharashtra.

Rock climbing is an activity in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a usually pre-defined route without falling. Due to the length and extended endurance required and because accidents are more likely to happen on descent than ascent, Rock Climbers do not usually climb back down the route. It is very rare for a climber to down climb, especially on the larger multiple pitches (class III- IV and /or multi-day grades IV-VI climbs). Rock climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport, one that often tests a climbers strength, endurance, agility and balance along with mental control. It can be a dangerous activity and knowledge of proper climbing techniques and usage of specialized climbing equipment is crucial for the safe completion of routes. Because of the wide range and variety of rock formations around the world, rock climbing has been separated into several different styles and sub-disciplines.

But do not you worry. We make it safe for you. If you want to learn rock climbing techniques, if you are practicing indoors and on artificial walls and want to go on natural walls to get the grip, "we are here". Just connect with us with your motive and we will execute it for you. Look for climbing program here.

Himalayan Treks and Expeditions

Mountaineering, trekking, and mountain biking in Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, Sikkim, India, and Leh-Ladakh. If you want the best platform to launch your next mountain climbing objective, then let us organize your expedition and allow you to be the climber you can be.

We believe that our experience, combined with your enthusiasm and determination, will provide you with the best possible chance of standing on top of one of these Himalayan summits.

This sport has many hazards, which are often divided into three main groups: weather, falling, and avalanches. Weather is one of the primary dangers of mountaineering, and blizzards may cause poor visibility, leading to climbers getting lost or falling into the void. Even in summer, weather can be deadly, since lightning is likely to strike on the highest points, including mountaintops and rock edges. Besides snow, avalanches can consist of falling rocks, ice, and even gear. Falling rocks are a much more common danger than snow avalanches; they are also a lot harder to predict, which exposes climbers to a higher risk. Climbers also run the risk of slipping on the ice and falling into crevasses. Equipment failure accounts for only a small percentage of accidents.

We have a team of experienced mountaineers who will guide you pass on all these hurdles to make your step on summit of every mountain.

Outdoor Campings

All of my childhood days I believed camping meant that you took out your raggedy old sleeping bag, walked up into the woods, and slept on the ground under the stars to the melodic beauty of crickets and Katy-Dids. This was in the beautiful mountains.

Campers love clear, starry skies. after all, thats part of the whole experience-sitting around the campfire at night, inhaling the cool fresh air, and pausing every now and then to admire star studded sky. Do join us to camp under the open sky in forest, at the beach or beside lake around India.

Typically, it is the most quality time we spend together as a group, actually enjoying each others company instead of shouting over loud music at a bar or party. With no cell service, phones are off, minds are present and the rest of the world just sort fades away.

For a busy city we live in, I think it is fun, rewarding, important and a great stepping stone to camp to leave the city behind for a weekend, turn off the phone, and go hiking in the wilderness. If you camp out for the night that is even better ñ the stars, the moon, the excitement of doing something new: these are all ingredients of massive adventures and it is so easy to get a little taste of it and build an appetite for more.

Bike Ride or Cycling

If you think you can sustain your wheels on the scree roads in Himalayas, we will make sure you have had the best riding experience. Read more..

Cycling is mainly an aerobic activity, which means that your heart, blood vessels and lungs all get a workout. You will breathe deeper, perspire and experience increased body temperature, which will improve your overall fitness level.

Bi-cycle riding about 80 to 100 revolutions per minute can help your muscles and legs last longer.

We organize mountain biking and cycling expeditions for enthusiastic who love riding adventure.

Find out where the routes are and go on your very own cycling expedition or bike ride.

If you are a rider or you are just fitness freak, we can get it done for you.


Are you a beginner or an experience runner? We have all options available to test your physical and mental stamina. We will help you choose your terrain to push your limits beyond your imagination with Ayudh Adventures.

Marathon participation around the world is booming in recent years. Given the numbers supported by data, its obvious that running the vaunted 26.2-mile distance is quickly becoming the de facto goal for many beginner runners.

Likewise, experienced runners are increasingly magnetized to the popular distance as an opportunity to compare personal bests with their running buddies.

More importantly, training for a marathon when you do not have the requisite running background is a surefire way to get injured or find yourself disenchanted with running if you are new to the sport. But we have right coach and training for your interests.

Our coach says, beginners need to be able to average at least 40 miles per week for 5-6 weeks to increase the chance that they will have a good race experience. This means that you need to be able to comfortably run 30-35 miles per week before you begin training for a marathon.

Donot focus to win the race, but focus to prepare yourself physically and mentally for the race.

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